Hollywood D-list actress Kathy Griffin is in the hospital for what she believes may be coronavirus. She’s mad as hell about it and there are two people she wants to blame: Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

Kathy Griffin’s Attacks On President Trump

59-year-old Griffin has a history of attacking President Trump. It wasn’t that long ago that her career was left in crumbles after she publicly posted a mock beheading of our Commander-in-Chief.

Even people on the far left felt she had gone out of bounds. Griffin lost many gigs, and her career still hasn’t recovered even after she apologized for the 2017 publicity stunt gone horribly wrong. Still, her attacks continue and this latest one leaves more questions than answers about her story. 

RELATED: Jay Leno Reduces Kathy Griffin to Tears (Video)

President Trump tweeted how the United States has tested more people for coronavirus than South Korea did over the course of eight weeks. Almost a half a million Americans have been tested for coronavirus so far.

Well, Trump’s tweet set Griffin off. The actress claimed she was in the hospital with “unbearably painful symptoms” but could not be tested.

“He’s lying,” Griffin tweeted. “I was sent to the #COVID19 isolation ward room in a major hospital ER from a separate urgent care facility after showing UNBEARABLY PAINFUL symptoms. The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus because of CDC (Pence task force) restrictions. #TESTTESTTEST”

Stat Check

However, some people are challenging that accusation given the data and the picture that Griffin herself shared. 

According to the COVID Tracking Project, 418,810 people had been tested in the US as of yesterday. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported they had tested  357,896 as of Wednesday.

So the US had administered more tests of March 25th, but it also has a larger population than South Korea. The official numbers don’t lie.

There are still reports of people not being tested because tests aren’t yet available in mass quantities.

Since 80% of those infected are able to recover from home, tests are being rationed to people who are high risk. This also helps relieve soon-to-be overburdened hospitals from having to test the masses.

Do You See It?

Griffin’s picture shows that she is wearing a mask and is not receiving oxygen. Hospitals are testing people they feel need a test due to their high risk status or having extreme symptoms. 

Would “unbearably painful symptoms” from coronavirus cause Kathy Griffin to need oxygen? If so, there’s a problem with her photo, as Alicia points out in her tweet below.

RELATED: Kathy Griffin Calls for Covington Students to Be Doxxed – ‘I Want Names, Shame Them’

Many Americans are finding ways to come together as our society battles this virus. Kathy Griffin, apparently, is not one of those people.

Rather than asking why California Governor Gavin Newsom waited so long to take action, Griffin takes pots shots at the White House.  

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