Hollywood star and shameless liberal Jane Fonda just reemerged to remind the world of what an out-of-touch elitist she really is when she spoke out to warn her fellow stars of the “existential crisis” our nation is facing under Donald Trump, adding that they need to focus on “taking back our government.”
Breitbart reported that after winning the Female EMA Lifetime Achievement Award at the Environmental Media Association (EMA), Fonda used her acceptance speech to preach about politics and talk about the importance of Democrats taking back the House of Representatives.
“This is an existential crisis that we’re in,” Fonda said. “We have to do everything we can to take back the house in November. If anything can save us, it’s gonna be taking back our government.”
It should be noted that Fonda was born into Hollywood royalty as the daughter of Henry Fonda, so she has been incredibly wealthy since the day she was born. As a result, she has never had to worry about money and is completely unaware of what it’s like to be a working-class American struggling to put food on the table. Trump’s popularity will never make sense to a privileged woman like Fonda, since he didn’t become president to help fill her pockets: instead, he became president to help the working Americans who put him in the White House!
Of course, this is not the first time Fonda has ruffled people’s feathers with political comments. She is most infamous for comments she made during the Vietnam War denouncing U.S. soldiers as “war criminals.” Her support for the Vietnamese earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane,” and many have never forgiven her for turning her back on our troops when they needed support most.
Personally, I think Jane Fonda should keep her mouth shut about President Trump!
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