Jon Gosselin proudly shared a back to school picture of his daughter Hannah with his Instagram followers. She’s headed to eighth grade and this year will be much different as she is going to school without her siblings.

Jon wrote, “Congrats Hannah on your first day of school, proud of you. I admire your bravery starting fresh!!! I Love you very much and we have worked really hard to get here. Dedication has really paid off.”

“I’m so happy you integrated yourself into the community, you made friends all summer and now you will grow and graduate with them,” the proud father continued. “I’m honored to be your father!!! Love you, Dad #newbeginnings”

Jon Hannah Gosselin

It is indeed a new beginning for this father and daughter. Jon revealed last week what many fans suspected. Hannah is living with him “permanently.” Court documents are evidence that he did get custody of Hannah. Kate tried to have this reversed this summer but failed.

Hannah has spent the past few months acclimating to her new area so she would be prepared to transfer schools. This is a huge change for a septuplet who has spent her life surrounded by siblings.

The other children are still with Kate, except for Collin who was shipped off to a special school by his mother. Kate shared her own back to school picture with four of the sextuplets and twins Mady and Cara who still live with her.

Kate Gosselin

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Hannah’s outfit suggests that she is attending a public school whereas her siblings appear to wear private school uniforms. Another big change!

Last year, Jon and Kate got into an argument involving Hannah at the orthodontist’s office. Kate allegedly grabbed Hannah’s arm and pulled her out of Jon’s car. That must not have helped Kate make her case seeking Hannah’s return.

Source: Dearly

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