Gene Wilder entertained people of all ages. He will forever be Willy Wonka to children, but adults have fond memories of his comedic roles with many different actors. This hilarious actor brought us so much joy and laughter over his lengthy career. He worked with some of the best comedians.

He paired so well with Richard Pryor. I loved them in Stir Crazy when they were sentenced to 125 years in prison in a shotgun trial after being framed for a bank robbery. Only these two could turn a horrible situation into something outlandishly hysterical!

Who can’t relate to their reaction in the clip below after hearing the lifelong sentence for a crime they never committed? I would be freaking out too!

In the clip below, the pair then tried to fake insanity in prison. That didn’t work out too well for their characters, but they sure did make us laugh. It takes pure talent to ad-lib like these two did. They often went off script or didn’t have a script and completely improvised. This takes a tremendous amount of talent as you don’t know what the other actor will do or say. Watch Pryor and Wilder’s comedic genius at work in the video below!

I can’t imagine that I would be calm and rational after being sentenced to 125 years in a bogus trial either! I don’t know how they got through that without laughing! I could not have kept a straight face!

Gene Wilder has left us with a lot of memories and a whole bunch of laughs. He was talent unlike any other. He passed away in 2016, but his work will live on for a long time.

Click here to see a clip of Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles!

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