Sad new was released this weekend that Judge Wapner of the People’s Court passed away at age 97. Judge Wapner was a staple in homes throughout the country in the 1980s. He was a beloved judge who trail-blazed television justice and set the path for Judge Judy.

Prior to being on the People’s Court, Judge Wapner presided in the Los Angeles Country Court for 20 years. He was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for his service to our country in World War II. He is survived by his wife Mickey. They were married for 70 years as the news report video below details.


Judge Wapner had a devoted following. Rusty the Bailiff, Doug Llewelyn, and the Judge made quite a trio. Watching the video below, you will remember why. There was nothing like this on TV before. He brought the courtroom into our living rooms. We became invested in the litigants and learned a lot about our system of justice from Judge Wapner.

Of course, nobody seemed to love Judge Wapner more than Rain Man. The People’s Court was a big part of the movie as Raymond was a devoted fan. Take a trip down memory lane and see Raymond watching the show in a stranger’s home. “One minute to Wapner.”

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H/T: Fox 6

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