It’s been 45 years since the legendary Elvis Presley passed away, but his stepbrother Billy Stanley has never forgotten the final conversation they had just two days before the iconic rocker’s passing. During this talk, Elvis made some powerful comments about God’s forgiveness that are nothing short of chilling, given what was about to happen to him.

‘Do You Believe God Forgives Us?’

Billy told Fox News that he and Elvis were spending time together on April 14, 1977, and the singer was demonstrating his new karate knives when the two stepbrothers began playfully sparring that ended up in the musician’s younger brother hurting his finger in the commotion.

“He saw that he hit me, so he immediately dropped the knives, grabbed my finger and walked me to the bathroom,” Billy recalled with a laugh. “We were standing by the sink, facing this huge mirror. Here was Elvis, making a big deal out of this, like he was going to have to do surgery or something. Meanwhile, I’m just standing there in amazement, smiling at him.”

The mood quickly took a serious turn from there, however, as Elvis asked Billy, “Do you believe God forgives us for all our sins?” 

Shocked by this, Billy replied, “Well, yeah, I mean, we’ve talked about this for almost 17 years, Elvis.” 

“I just wanted to hear you say that, Billy,” Elvis responded.

This would turn out to be the last conversation that the stepbrothers would have, as Elvis tragically died suddenly two days later at the age of 42.

Related: Priscilla Presley Opens Up About Elvis 45 Years After His Death

‘He Was In Touch With The Lord’

Billy decided to explore Elvis’ strong Christian faith decades later in his new book “The Faith of Elvis,” revealing that his stepbrother spent much of his free time reading the Bible. When Billy began working for Elvis on the road, one of his tasks was to always carry his Bible when he was performing. 

“A lot of people don’t realize that after every show, he would unwind by singing gospel songs until the sun came up,” Billy explained. “He was in touch with the Lord. A lot of people said, ‘Well, he did this and that.’ [But] we all fall short. We’re all human. As Christians, most of us live under a magnifying glass.”

“Well, Elvis lived under a microscope because he was a big star,” he added. “It was tough. But the way I like to put it is… [he] had the devil on one shoulder and God on the other. And there was a constant battle going on in his head.”

Billy went on to say that throughout the difficult the difficult times Elvis experienced in his final years, the singer found comfort in the arms of the Lord.

“He would just dive into the Bible and read it,” said Billy. “Any experience that we all have is in the Bible… it will comfort you. I think the biggest thing everybody has a problem with is forgiveness. But God forgives. All you have to do is ask for it. But we have a hard time forgiving ourselves. Elvis often spoke about how God forgives us. He took great comfort in that… Once you start believing Jesus came and died for your sins, your actions will change. You will try to stop doing the things that aren’t good for you.”

“He would tell me, ‘Billy… if we focus on helping somebody else… it’s good for your soul to do that,'” he continued. “The Bible says the Lord loves a generous giver and [Elvis] was the most generous giver I’ve ever met. Whenever you’re feeling lonely or feeling like nobody loves you… you see that the devil’s playground is your mind. But helping somebody else? It takes away all that self-doubt and fears you have going on in your life. That’s what we’re all put here on this Earth for. Elvis believed that.”

Related: Nancy Sinatra Reveals What It Was Really Like To Work With Elvis Presley

Elvis Loved America 

Aside from God, Elvis also loved America, unlikely many of the entertainers in the Vietnam War era.

“There were a lot of entertainers who were saying, ‘I want to leave America.’ Whenever Elvis saw that on the news, he would say, ‘Well, I’ll pay for your plane ticket to go if you want to leave,'” Billy remembered. 

“That bothered Elvis,” he added. “He didn’t think it was right for an entertainer to speak against the country because the only reason they’re able to do what they do is that they’re in this country… In this country, you have the freedom to pursue your dreams. He was a true patriot. He loved God and his fellow man.”

In the end, Billy wants fans to know that Elvis was more than just a talented performer. 

“What we saw on his entertainment level was maybe 20-30 percent of what he really was,” he concluded. “He was far greater than that… he was a God-fearing patriot and a great big brother. The things he taught me about life, I’ve never forgotten.”

We applaud Elvis’ stepbrother for showing us a side of this legendary performer that we never got to see. While it’s still devastating that Elvis was taken from us so soon, we can all draw comfort in knowing that he is with God now. 

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