Last summer, the once-beloved talk show host Ellen DeGeneres found herself being targeted by a cancel culture mob. She became embroiled in a toxic workplace scandal that saw her be accused of turning a blind eye to bullying, racism, and even sexual misconduct on the set of her eponymous talk show. 

Though DeGeneres managed to survive without being fully “cancelled” and was able to continue on with her show, it’s been reported this week that her survival came at a major price that may still cost the host her career.

Related: Ellen DeGeneres’ Toxic Workplace Scandal Comes Back To Haunt Her – Struggles With Ratings, Guests, And Advertisers

DeGeneres’ Ratings Plummet

The New York Times reported that in the wake of DeGeneres’ toxic workplace scandal, her ratings have plummeted. She has lost over one million viewers.

Since DeGeneres apologized on her show to kick off this season in September, her show has been averaging 1.5 million viewers, compared to 2.6 million last year. That’s a hemorrhage of over a million viewers.

Making matters even worse is the fact that DeGeneres’ ratings fell 38% in a core demographic for the show, which is adult women under the age of 54. 

On top of that, ad revenue for “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” has tanked as well.

While her show brought in $131 million in ad revenue during the September to January of 2019-20 season, it has brought in just $105 million during that same period this year. That’s a 20% drop.

Related: Ellen DeGeneres’ Former Bodyguard Speaks Out To Back Up Claims That ‘She’s Cold’

Is This The End For DeGeneres?

DeGeneres has not yet revealed if she’s planning to return for another season once this one comes to an end. Her production company has only released a non-committal statement.

“‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ remains one of the top three highest-rated syndicated talk shows this season,” David McGuire, an executive vice president of programming at Warner Bros. subsidiary Telepictures, told The Times.

“While broadcast is down across the board and COVID has been challenging for production, we are looking forward to bringing back our live audiences and a 19th season filled with all of the hilarious and heartwarming moments that have made ‘Ellen’ one of the longest running and most successful talk shows in history,” he added. 

BACKSTORY: Ellen DeGeneres’ Producers Panic – Say ‘It Would Break A Lot Of Hearts’ To Cancel The Show

Ellen’s Private Life

Last week, DeGeneres rushed her wife Portia de Rossi to the hospital. De Rossi complained of pain that quickly escalated sending them to the hospital. DeGeneres was sent home and didn’t find out until the morning that de Rossi had surgery to remove her appendix. 

Of course Ellen made a joke, because that’s what she does. De Rossi returned home and is doing much better.

As for all of her returning home, Ellen said, “Not all of her. She left her appendix at the hospital,” DeGeneres adds. “No, I’m going to auction off the appendix for charity. I’m kidding, it’s going to go on eBay. I’m kidding again. I’m saving it in case I write another book because I’ll put it at the end of the book. The appendix, get it?”

Scandal Shattered Her Image

While DeGeneres apologized for her toxic workplace scandal, it effectively shattered her image as one of the nicest celebrities in Hollywood.

However, some of Ellen’s celebrity friends are stepping up to show that there’s not much difference between on-air Ellen and real-life Ellen. In fact, remove guest Jennifer Garner called out to people from her hotel balcony.

“I love her!” Garner blurted. “She’s kind! She’s a humanitarian! She loves animals!”

After all, she rose to fame as someone who told her audience to “be kind” to one another at the end of every show.

This mantra became difficult to take seriously once it was revealed that Ellen DeGeneres’ own staffers did not feel that she was kind to them.

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