Colin Kaepernick continues to be an unemployed quarterback after the Miami Dolphins plucked 34-year-old Jay Cutler out of retirement rather than sign the 29-year-old divisive Kaepernick.
Cutler has been signed to a one year contract to replace Ryan Tannehill, who is injured. Cutler had just announced retirement in May claiming that he lost the desire to play. Kaepernick is so toxic that the Dolphins overlooked him for someone who doesn’t even have the drive anymore.
Miami signed Cutler over Kaepernick. The same Cutler that said on May 5th "I've lost desire to do what’s required to keep going in the NFL"
— Jake Steinberg (@Steiny31) August 6, 2017
It’s pretty simple to understand why Kaepernick would have never fit in with the Dolphins. The Miami Dolphins have a large Cuban-American fan base. Not only did Kaepernick attack our police officers, but he publicly supported Fidel Castro and the Communist government in Cuba. That wouldn’t sit well with Dolphins fans. The team ultimately has to sell tickets and merchandise to survive.
If Miami, city w/ largest Cuban-American pop., needs a QB, here come #Kaepernick defenders. The guy publicly supported Fidel Castro.
— Britt McHenry (@BrittMcHenry) August 3, 2017
Kaepernick wore a Castro shirt in Miami. He should never play for the Dolphins
— Dom Irrera (@domirrera) August 4, 2017
Kaepernick was even LOUDLY booed in Miami last season when the 49ers played the Dolphins.
What a kick to Kaepernick’s ego. He appears to be a man without a place to go. Actions have consequences and Colin is finding that out now. The despised quarterback has nobody to blame but himself. Now, he’s facing the embarrassment of being passed over by an older player who had already retired! He’s untouchable!
The Baltimore Ravens appear to be the only team even remotely interested in signing Kaepernick, but his girlfriend may have tanked his longshot chances with that team after tweeting charges of racism towards Steve Bisciotti, the owner of the Ravens.
Hopefully, he saved his money while he was able to earn it because his career appears to be over!
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Source: Yahoo Sports
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