The Royal family had a scare when a 22-year-old intruder came inside Buckingham Palace. The Royal Flag was flying during the break-in, alerting the man and the public to the fact that Queen Elizabeth was home. The unwelcome guest scaled a fence surrounding the palace before he made his way through the door.

It was four minutes of panic for security staff as they attempted to decipher if the intruder was armed as he was on the loose in Buckingham Palace. The Queen was sleeping close by as the unknown man was running through the halls in this massive security breach.

Is Queen Elizabeth safe?

An insider stated, “There was an intruder at the Palace while the Queen lay sleeping in her bedroom and he was on the loose for a good few minutes before the cops arrested him. He was determined to get inside the palace and was banging down the doors but, thank goodness, this time everything was locked up.”

Queen Elizabeth was the only senior member of the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace at the time. Prince Philip was elsewhere due to reconstruction at the Palace.

Buckingham Palace intruders

This is shocking news as the Palace Guards are well-known for being incredibly fastidious with their responsibility of protecting the Monarch and the Royal Family.

This is not the first time such a security breach has occurred. The most memorable one was in the summer of 1982 when Michael Fagan ended up with the Queen in her bedroom.

The schizophrenic man was alone with the Monarch in her chambers. She attempted to call for help, but the staff thought she was someone playing a prank call. Fagan was with the terrified Queen alone for about ten minutes.

A video about Buckingham Palace security breaches can be viewed below.

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