The legendary “Terminator” himself Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke out on Thursday morning to send an impassioned message to Russian President Vladimir Putin as his invasion of Ukraine continues.

Schwarzenegger’s Plea To Putin And Russia

Daily Mail reported that Schwarzenegger, 74, described himself as a “long-time friend” of the Russian people before addressing Putin directly.

“To President Putin, I say, you started this war. You are leading this war. You can stop this war,” he said. 

Schwarzenegger went on to ask Putin and his counterparts in the Kremlin, “Let me just ask you, why would you sacrifice those young men for your own ambitions?”

His video continues:

 ‘You see, Ukraine did not start this war. Neither did nationalists or Nazis. Those in power in the Kremlin started this war. This is not the Russian people’s war. No.

‘As a matter of fact let me tell you, what you should know is that 141 nations at the UN voted that Russia was the aggressor.

‘They called for it to remove its troops immediately. Only four countries in the entire world voted with Russia. That is a fact.

‘See the world has turned against Russia because of its actions in Ukraine. Whole city blocks have been flattened by Russian artillery and bombs, including a children’s hospital and a maternity hospital.

‘Three million Ukrainian refugees, mainly women, children and elderly, fled their country. And many more are trying to seek to get out. It is a humanitarian crisis.

‘Because of its brutality, Russia is now isolated from the society of nations. You’re also not being told the truth about the consequences of this war on Russia itself.

‘I regret to tell you that thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed.

‘They have been caught between Ukrainians fighting for their homeland and the Russian leadership fighting for conquest.

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Schwarzenegger Brings Up His Nazi Father

In this same video, Schwarzenegger talked about his own father, who fought in the Nazi Army during World War II, something his dad regretted for the rest of his life.

“When my father arrived in Leningrad, he was all pumped up on the lies of his government,” Schwarzenegger recalled. “And when he left Leningrad, he was broken, physically and mentally. He lived the rest of his life in pain. Pain from a broken back, pain from the shrapnel that always reminded him of those terrible years, and pain from the guilt that he felt.”

“To the Russian soldiers listening to this broadcast, you already know much of the truth that I have been speaking. You have seen it with your own eyes. I don’t want you to be broken like my father,” he continued. “This is not the war to defend Russia, that your grandfathers or your great grandfathers fought, this is an illegal war. Your lives, your limbs, your futures, are being sacrificed for a senseless war condemned by the entire world.”

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Schwarzenegger’s Connection To Russia 

Schwarzenegger then explained that he has always felt a connection to Russia since he traveled there often for weightlifting competitions in his youth, and later to film movies as an adult. 

“Now the reason why I am telling you all of those things is because ever since I was 14 years old, I’ve had nothing but affection and respect for the people of Russia,” he said. “The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me and that is why I hope that you will let me tell you the truth about the war in Ukraine and what is happening there.”

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, and the world has looked on as fighting has continued in the weeks since then. It remains to be seen how this invasion will ultimately turn out.

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