Fox News fans are familiar with Ainsley Earhardt. She is known for waking up Americans who tune into “Fox and Friends, but there is much more to her than hosting. At age 21, Ainsley became a Christian and she believes that is when her life truly began. She explains her faith journey in an “I Am Second” video and it’s one that Christians will want to see and share.
Ainsley was reluctant to turn to God at first as she was afraid that would mean she would have to stop doing fun things. But, then she finally answered that “knock on the door.” Her initial concerns were put to rest as Ainsley explains that she was immediately filled with blessings from God.
Ainsley’s Infertility Issues
Like everyone else, people in the national limelight experience rough times.
Ainsley struggled with infertility and this is when she relied on God the most. Her dream was always to be a mother and she feared that wouldn’t happen.
She delayed started a family for her career as she wanted to be financially strong. When she couldn’t get pregnant and then suffered a miscarriage, she wondered if she waited too long to get pregnant.
Ainsley becomes emotional in her “I Am Second” video when discussing this and has to stop recording.
God’s Timing
Ultimately, Ainsley realized that it all comes down to God’s timing and plan. You have to trust that He is in control, particularly when you are struggling.
Ainsley is now a mother to Hayden. Her 4-year-old daughter is the light of her life. And she thanks God every day for Hayden.
Ainsley Is Open About Her Faith
Ainsley Earhardt is not shy about her faith. She shares it with her followers regularly on social media. It’s a good reminder for her and us.
We all have room for God in our lives. Our lives are blessed when we accept Him into our hearts.
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And she is sharing her love of Jesus with her daughter as well.
Ainsley wants Hayden’s life to be filled with love for God. Hayden is growing up in New York City but she is being raised with strong Christian values.
“I really want that to be a priority in my daughter’s life because my relationship with Christ is the most important thing to me, and I want to raise her in a Christian home. We focus a lot on that,” Earhardt told People. RELATED: Blake Shelton Explains How Gwen Stefani Led Him To Believe In God
Ainsley Earhardt’s “I Am Second” video can be seen below.