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March 3, 2022
After a “Wheel Of Fortune” moment went viral for all the wrong reasons, host Pat Sajak is calling for compassion from fans.
optical illusion
December 14, 2017
A new optical illusion has completely taken the internet by storm and millions of people are unable to figure out the answer to this fascinating
spot the snake
November 1, 2017
Snakes can camouflage themselves well. You have to have a keen eye to spot some snakes in the wilderness. See if you can spot the snakes in these pictures.
hidden panda
September 22, 2017
The picture below has a hidden panda. It can be a little hard to find at first but you’ll find it eventually. After you find it, you can’t unsee it! Do you
hidden panda puzzle
September 12, 2017
In a challenging hidden panda puzzle, the goal is to spot the panda bear hidden among a group of individuals that look very similar
Brain Teaser
August 22, 2017
Brain teasers can sometimes be pretty simple, but the way they have been presented can play with your mind. That’s what happens to some people when
brain teaser
August 8, 2017
Sometimes a brain teaser can spark a lot of debate, especially the most challenging ones because some people come to different conclusions.
Panda Puzzle
August 3, 2017
We have our own version of Where’s Waldo and this time we want you to try and locate the panda bear hidden amongst hundreds of people!
genius test
July 31, 2017
According to Play Brain, geniuses can find the Ys in the pictures below in under 3 minutes. There are six pictures, so set your timers and see if you are