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February 16, 2023
Jimmy Kimmel’s blackface scandal has come back to haunt him once again, as Roseanne Barr is questioning why ABC didn’t fire him for it.
Kimmel Hannity blackface
May 11, 2021
Jimmy Kimmel’s blackface scandal just came back to haunt him as Sean Hannity used it to defend Caitlyn Jenner.
Golden Girls
July 14, 2020
Hollywood has “cancelled” an episode of “The Golden Girls” over mud masks, yet Jimmy Kimmel has yet to be cancelled for wearing blackface.
June 23, 2020
Late night television host Jimmy Kimmel finally ponied up an apology for his years of wearing blackface and saying the n-word in comedy sketches.
KimmelJimmy Kimmel Blackface
June 19, 2020
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel is taking break from “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” after being criticized for a blackface skit he performed on Comedy Central years ago.
jimmy kimmel blackface carl malone
October 26, 2018
Megyn Kelly lost her job at NBC this week after she defended the use of blackface for Halloween costumes. While we certainly don’t want to defend Kelly,