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husky temper tantrum
July 11, 2017
Luca the Husky was angry at her owner for stopping her from watching TV. Not only did the husky throw a tantrum, she talked!
mirror in jungle
June 30, 2017
A mirror was placed in the jungle, and many of the animals passed by as if nothing had happened, but the same can’t be said for every animal.
Monkey dogs and cats
June 27, 2017
These little monkeys are having such a great time but then there are the other animals who are being made fun of. They don’t appear to be enjoying
June 26, 2017
This beautiful Husky has been watching his master get ice from the refrigerator door so now she does it without asking anyone in the house.
gorilla dancing to maniac
June 23, 2017
Zola is a gorilla who resides at the Dallas Zoo. He is known for his dance moves, but his free spirited dance while in the pool caught everyone off guard.
Black bear Bucket
June 12, 2017
Take this one black bear, who somehow managed to get his head stuck in a bucket and was unable to remove it, but one man came to