Chris Benoit’s Hall of Fame status is a much-discussed subject amongst pro wrestling fans. Many fans want Chris Benoit in the WWE Hall of Fame, and even some of his peers want to see him there. However, not everyone wants him in the WWE Hall of Fame, specifically wrestling commentator Jim Ross. While you may think the reason is obvious, his reasoning for it may surprise you.

Jim Ross Reveals His Reasons In Dark Side Of The Ring

Jim Ross WWE Hall of Fame

Dark Side of the Ring took a detailed look at the life and career of Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy. It included many WWE legends speaking about their relationship with Chris and Nancy. One of the people who was featured during the episode was Jim Ross.

During his interview, Jim Ross stated he does not want Benoit in the WWE Hall of Fame. However, his reasons for it are quite different than what you might think.

“Chris Benoit does not belong in the Hall of Fame now or ever, simply because the last 48 hours of his life is what everybody would want to focus on, they don’t want to talk about Brad Armstrong and Chris Benoit having a hell of a wrestling match at Clash of Champions. I don’t think he would like that. Is his skillset good enough to go into the hall of fame? Oh my God, yes. Is it all about your skill set? No it’s not.”

Unfortunately, Jim Ross does have a point. However, I do think that Chris Benoit should be in the Hall of Fame.

He sacrificed a lot for wrestling, including his own mind.  Yes, he committed one of the most heinous crimes, but the reasons behind that act do not reflect the man.

They reflect the harmful effects of wrestling, from steroid abuse to brain damage.

Why Did Chris Benoit Kill His Family?

Chris and Nancy Benoit

There have been a lot of theories about Chris’ motives for the murders. However, it is generally accepted that Benoit was not in his right mind at the time of the murders, either because of CTE or steroids.

CTE stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. The condition is caused by damage to the brain, which is not uncommon in professional wrestling. Chris’ brain was tested for the Sports Legacy Project. Researchers found that his brain showed signs of several concussions and clinical symptoms of CTE. Long story short, his brain was comparable to that of an elderly person with severe Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

Another big theory going around is that steroid abuse led to the murder-suicide drama that unfolded in the Benoit household. Steroids were found in his home after the murders.

The autopsy showed that Chris Benoit had Xanax and hydrocodone in his system, which were found to be normal doses. A synthetic anabolic testosterone cypionate was also found in his urine.

Despite the presence of steroids, investigators believe it wasn’t rage that caused the deaths, as it was clear the murders were planned. However, it is widely accepted that brain damage and serious depression led to the deaths.

So, should he be in the Hall of Fame? It’s a difficult subject for sure. But considering the controversy surrounding him, I doubt it will ever happen.

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