Anti-Trump protestors are responsible for the death of a man whose ambulance they blocked from getting to the hospital.


According to the Facebook post of a paramedic below, Hillary Clinton supporters prevented his ambulance from getting to the hospital in time to save the life of a father of a four year old. Because of these protestors, a four year old child is fatherless.

This nonsense has got to stop. These protestors have blood on their hands. If they are going to stand in the streets, I don’t feel sorry if they are run over.

While this Facebook post has not been verified it is highly likely to be true as anti-Trump demonstrators have blocked highways throughout the country whether it’s I-94 in Minneapolis, the I-5 in Portland, I-95 in Miami, numerous freeways in Los Angeles, and a major highway in Phoenix.


In fact, Anti-Trump protestors previously blocked an ambulance during a Donald Trump rally in Chicago outside the UIC Arena.

Watch them block the ambulance in Chicago.  They don’t seem to take responsibility for anything!


I bet these liberals responsible for blocking this man’s route to the hospital don’t even care they caused his death. Lock them up! They can share a jail cell with Hillary!


Share this if you believe these protestors should be held responsible for this man’s death!

H/T: InfoWars

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