Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should do it. Scientists have the ability to advance medicine but at Yale University, they are playing God. Scientists at this Ivy League school have created an ethical nightmare by bringing the brains of 100 slaughtered pigs back to life.
The pigs’ brains were kept in a reanimated state for 36 hours. Now the scientists are hopeful the same process can be used on primates. They believe this process could prove helpful in the studying of human organs when they are outside the body. This could obviously lead to huge medical advances. But at what cost?
The pigs didn’t regain consciousness, but scientists believe it is possible to restore a level of awareness after death. This horrific experiment elicits many ethical challenges.
Ethics and philosophy lecturer Benjamin Curtis said, “Even if your conscious brain were kept alive after your body had died, you would have to spend the foreseeable future as a disembodied brain in a bucket, locked away inside your own mind without access to the sense that allows us to experience and interact with the world.”
“In the best case scenario, you would be spending your life with only your own thoughts for company. Some have argued that even with a fully functional body, immortality would be tedious,” Curtis continued. “With absolutely no contact to external reality, it might just be a living hell. To end up a disembodied human brain may well be to suffer a fate worse than death.”
This is something out of a horror movie or a terrible nightmare. Who would want to be trapped in such a state after death? No matter what the medical advances might be, it’s hard to understand why these scientists aren’t concerned with the ethical issues. Would they like to be treated this way?
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Source: Daily Star
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