Bill Kelly, a WWII veteran who survived the Pacific theater, just won a huge victory over coronavirus. We should all be encouraged by 95-year-old Bill Kelly’s battle against the deadly disease. This man’s victory over coronavirus certainly underscores the fortitude of the Greatest Generation!
“In his words, ‘I survived the foxholes of Guam, I can get through this [coronavirus] bull—-,’” his granddaughter Rose Ayers-Etherington wrote on Facebook. “He has strong mental resolve. He has seen tough times and knows how to get through them.”
WWII Veteran Battles Coronavirus
The spunky Veteran came down with a fever on March 15th. Because he also suffers from high blood pressure, kidney disease, and heart issues, Bill Kelly spent one night in the hospital.
But, Kelly then felt well enough to go home the next day. This hero lives with four generations in the same house.
In the end, the WWII Veteran was the only one in the household diagnosed with coronavirus. The great grandpa had to isolate in his room for a week. After that time, he was able to come out of his isolation.
Because of Kelly’s diagnosis, the entire family self-quarantined for two weeks.
“But it was still nerve-wracking,” Rose Etherington said. “We were just drinking hot tea all the time. Taking zinc. Washing our hands constantly.”
Bill Kelly Survived The Depression, World War II, And Coronavirus
“We’re doing just fine here. We’re toughing it out.” Kelly said during his quarantine. “I’ve got two great-grandsons to keep me busy. I’ve been very fortunate.”
He said his spirits never sank. And, he drank lots of liquids, got plenty of rest, watched a number of old movies, and prayed.
Now, Kelly has been given the all clear and officially declared victory over the deadly virus. This 95-year-old WWII Vet with underlying health conditions would not be claimed as a victim to coronavirus.
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On March 21st, his granddaughter posted on Facebook about his health. She made it clear that he was determined to beat it and she was correct!
?MY 95 YEAR OLD GRANDFATHER CONTRACTED THE COVID-19 VIRUS AND IS KICKING IT IN THE BUTT!!? And he has underlying medical conditions – stage 3 kidney disease, congenital heart disease and high blood pressure. But grandpa Bill is as tough as nails. He lived through the Great Depression and was amongst the first boots to set foot in the South Pacific during WW2. In his words – “I survived the foxholes of Guam, I can get through this Corona Virus bull**** .” He has strong mental resolve. He has seen tough times and knows how to get through them. His advice? “Always be grateful. Thank God continually for what he has blessed you with. Don’t get caught up in the peripheral things of this earth, because everything can disappear, just like that. Family is most important. Stick together, take care of each other.” Grandpa is on day 6 of no fever. His symptoms have greatly subsided and he is as chipper and sassy as ever. Because he lives with us, we have all been quarantined for 2 weeks. So far, we’re doing great. One week down and one week to go! In the meantime, I’m grateful for this much needed focused family time. I share this in hopes of spreading some positivity, amidst all the negative stories we are being inundated with by the media. If grandpa Bill can pull through this with a positive attitude, we can too! Please keep grandpa Bill and the rest of us in your prayers. We still have a week to go and understand that things can change. But we have faith that God has blessed grandpa, and we feel honored to be with him, supporting and caring for him in this time. One of grandpa’s coping methods has been blasting that polka chicken dancing song from his room over and over again. Lord give us strength. ? Much love to everyone! What a gift it is to be alive. NOTE: I am in no way downplaying the seriousness of this disease. It’s real and it’s here and it needs to be respected. Just hoping grandpa Bill’s story will encourage you and put a smile on your face. Also, the rest of us are healthy.
“I know this has been hard for so many people,” his grand-daughter said. “I hope that Grandpa Bill can be a source of hope and inspiration.”
Let’s all thank this brave WWII Veteran for his service, and applaud his victory over coronavirus. God Bless you, Bill Kelly!
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