Using public changing tables is something every mom will have to do at some point. Babies need their diapers changed even at inconvenient times.

One British mom found out the hard way that you need to be extra vigilant when you use the changing tables because there are degenerates who want to hurt babies.So

Hayley Turner took to Facebook to warn other moms after her son was the victim of a vicious prank. This really is rather sick

I don’t normally post things like this but I’m guessing if it happened to me it could happen to someone else, so I thought I’d spread a little word of warning to prevent it happening in the future….
Today I changed Samuels’ nappy on a public changing mat, somewhere I trust to be a safe place. When I led him down he screamed. I dismissed it as him being tired, cold and grumpy so I changed him as quickly as possible so I could give him a cuddle and calm him down. It turns out some lowlife scum thought it would be ‘fun’ to deliberately put drawing pins in the bottom of the changing mat. Our poor baby boy was led on pins!!! And because he isn’t old enough to tell me it hurt, he now looks like a pin cushion with 5 holes in total! Angry doesn’t even cover it. It’s quite sad to think this has to be done but my word of warning is to CHECK YOUR CHANGING MATS!!

Sam Turner

Poor little Samuel was turned into a pin cushion. And not only was that painful, but think about the germs that were on the pins that broached his skin. What kind of awful person would hurt a baby?

pins in changing table

Five of those went into Samuel’s back!

If you caught someone sticking pins in a changing table, how would you react? Please share your thoughts. 

H/T: Little Things

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