United Airlines is getting yet another round of bad publicity after forcing a returning National Guardsman to pay an extra $200 for his overweight bag that contained his military gear.
First Lieutenant John Rader was trying to return home from a 21-month deployment in Afghanistan. But, after serving almost 2 years, United Airlines didn’t care. They just wanted him to fork over $200.
“I was told point blank that I’d have to pay $200 for the overage or find another bag to siphon stuff off with,” the veteran said. “Well, I didn’t have another bag so I was caught in a bind, do I go home without my stuff or without it?”
“There was no empathy to the situation. I’m not looking for sympathy, but some form of empathy in the situation. There was none of that. It was just cold. I had to either pay or leave the bag.” he continued.
As Rader explains in the video below, he wasn’t the only returning service member United did this to on that flight!
United has had a rough past couple of weeks. Common sense would tell them to treat returning service members with the dignity they deserve. Now they are scrambling to clean up this latest mess.
They are refunding Rader his $200, but he says he won’t fly United as a civilian again due to their lack of empathy. Some service members can’t afford this added cost after a long deployment and United showed no respect for it.
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Source: Fox 5 DC
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