This video is going to have every beer-loving man grabbing a shovel because this is pretty cool!
You can build an underground bunker for your beer. Not only will your beer be easily accessible during outdoor parties or while doing yard work, but it’s something that will impress your friends.
Imagine retrieving your friend’s beer out of this at your next cookout!
The eCool carries a high price tag of $369, but it doesn’t use any electricity, so you’ll be saving money on refrigeration costs. Hey, it’s a money saver too! The earth chills your beer, so you won’t be stuck with a higher electric bill or having to hire an electrician to install this.
Or, if you’d rather have a cool beer fridge inside, check out this one that connects with your smart phone to let you know what exactly is going on in that fridge.
Would you buy these? Father’s Day is coming up! This would be a great way to surprise Dad!
H/T: BroBible
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