A concerned mom is warning other parents about an innocent looking Hasbro toy that appears to be helping groom children for sexual abuse. The video she took will have you shaking in anger. Now, Hasbro is attempting to remove the “Trolls World Tour Giggle and Sing Poppy” doll from shelves because of the backlash. 

Children get lots of presents for their birthdays. A cute Troll doll that talked was innocent enough at first glance, but an inspection of the doll is alarming to say the least.

Unadvertised Feature On Trolls World Tour Poppy Doll

Poppy, played by Anna Kendrick, is the main character in the 2020 animated film Trolls World Tour.

Hasbro’s “Trolls World Tour Giggle and Sing Poppy” says 10 phrases and songs, but there is an added feature the manufacturer doesn’t mention. 

The concerned parents discovered an extra button on the doll’s genital region. When that inappropriately placed button is pressed, the doll giggles, laughs, and even gasps. 

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It is not a stretch at all to conclude this is attempting to normalize perverse and illegal behavior for a child. This is clearly not normal at all.

The fact that this feature is not mentioned on the box or advertised is fueling suspicion that there is a sinister agenda to this doll. Hasbro is attempting to make excuses but they have lost the trust of a lot of parents over this. 

Watch the video for yourself in the tweet below. 

Hasbro Removes Trolls Doll After Sexual Abuse Claims

Mom Jessica McManis started a petition to go along with the viral video. She wanted the dolls removed from Target, Walmart, Amazon, Dollar General and Family Dollar Stores.

The immediate backlash got a lot of attention with over 280 thousand signers already. 

“This Trolls World Tour doll named Poppy has a button on her private area under her skirt. When you push this button on the doll’s private she gasps and giggles,” the Change.org petition reads. “This is not okay for a child’s toy! This toy needs to be removed from our stores. What will this toy make our innocent, impressionable children think? That it’s fun when someone touches your private area?”

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“This feature was designed to react when the doll was seated, but we recognize the placement of the sensor may be perceived as inappropriate,” Hasbro spokeswoman Julie Duffy said told The Providence Journal. “This was not intentional and we are happy to provide consumers with a replacement Poppy doll of similar value through our consumer care team. We are in the process of removing the item for purchase.”

What Other Sinister Toys Are Out There?

This “Trolls World Tour Giggle and Sing Poppy” video has me concerned about what other toys are out there with similar hidden features.

Hasbro knew about this button but claimed it was for sitting. If they invested money and time into an added feature, why wasn’t it marketed as such. It’s hard to imagine this was a naive mistake from such a large company.

The design had to pass through many hands and yet we are supposed to believe nobody raised an objection.

Oversight? Tell us what you think in the comments below after watching the video. 

Parents must be vigilant and word needs to get out about the unadvertised feature on the “Trolls World Tour Giggle and Sing Poppy” doll.

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