An Ohio man found a special way to honor veterans and first responders. Joe Longano ran a 5K every day for 50 days while carrying an American flag. Here’s how “The Honor Run” inspired a community.

Joe Longano wanted to show his community the importance of honoring and thanking those who serve and protect us. His community took notice. Soon others joined him in running while holding our flag.

Rain Or Shine, Joe Longano Ran 5k Daily

The Mayfield Heights man began his long stretch of 5Ks on August 17th. Rain or shine, Longano was out running. He refused to even allow a torrential rain pour disrupt his streak.

He chose a different route each day to bring his message to different people. Seeing a man running with a American flag waving in the breeze gets attention. It’s not something you see every day.

Patriotism like this is something we need to see more often. 

Given the political hostility of the day towards patriotism, he wasn’t sure how people would react to him carrying the flag through the streets of this Cleveland suburb.

So Longano was blown away by the response. 

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Positive Response To American Flag Run In Ohio

“The response has been 95-percent positive,” Longano said. “Some people will yell, ‘Good work,’ or ‘God bless America.’” 

Only two or three people said something negative. This bodes well for other patriotic who want to proudly display the Stars and Stripes.

We should not fear loving our country. 

Longano never served in the military or as a police officer or fire fighter. But, he understands the sacrifices they and their families make.

They are under attack from leftwing agitators and politicians. While these activists want to defund the police, Longano is out there running on the streets to thank them. 

The City of Mayfield Heights acknowledged Longano’s running streak by having a ceremony and a community run on Sunday, October 4th.

People in the area wanted to join Joe in The Honor Run and salute our veterans and first responders.

Folks really rallied to make sure they know they are appreciated during these tumultuous times. 

Others joined him on a run. Many either carried American flags or wore flag apparel to honor our vets and first responders as Joe Longano intended.

Check it out in the video below:

Thank Veterans And First Responders

Joe Longano is not looking for praise. He wants to put the focus on those he set out to thank and he wants you to do the same. 

“If I could send one message, it would be that if you see a vet or first responder, thank them for their service,” Longano says.

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What began as Joe running alone turned into a bit of a movement of support for those who support us.

Scalpers, a local bar, invited people to come and celebrate “The Honor Run” by having a Longano burger. They wanted everyone to come out and thank our veterans and first responders. 

During a ceremony with the city, Joe Longano was given a proclamation and honored but he brought the focus back on those who he set out to recognize.


There are millions of Americans like Joe who support our veterans and first responders.

We need to find ways to thank them for defending our freedom and helping us stay safe.

While the mainstream media focuses on protestors, we know the silent majority agrees with Joe.

It’s time to stand up and be heard!

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