Three Baton Rouge police officers were savagely murdered by a Black Lives Matter activist over the weekend. Decent members of society are grieving for their families and are worried for the safety of our officers all over the country.

One of those fallen officers recently posted a chilling message to Facebook. Montrell Jackson was a 10 year veteran of the police force. His baby son is now  fatherless because of the cowardly act of this cop hating Black Lives Matter activist.

Officer Jackson was black, but this Black Lives Matter activist decided Jackson’s black life didn’t matter because he was a police officer.


Following the increased tensions from Black Lives Matter following the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Jackson wrote on Facebook:

“I swear to God I love this city but I wonder if this city loves me,” he wrote. “In uniform I get nasty hateful looks and out of uniform some consider me a threat. I’ve experienced so much in my short life and these last 3 days have tested me to the core. When people you know begin to question your integrity you realize they don’t really know you at all. Look at my actions they speak LOUD and CLEAR. Finally I personally want to send prayers out to everyone directly affected by this tragedy. These are trying times. Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better. I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer. I got you.”


How heartbreaking it is to read that. Inside Edition also did a story on Jackson and his fellow officers that you can see below. These men are now being grieved by people all over America.

President Obama was supposed to be the “post racial president,” but racial tensions are now the worst they have ever been in my lifetime. Is that what he was trying to do?

Please share this if you stand with our police officers!

H/T: Conservative Review

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