The Trump Administration has secured the release of an American college student from North Korea. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has taken his hatred of America out on Americans visiting that country. Now, one of them is heading back to their Cincinnati home.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that 22 year old Otto Warmbier was on his way home to the United States. He had been sentenced to hard labor for tearing down a North Korea propaganda poster of the late Kim Jong Il at his hotel while visiting with a tour group.
Tillerson’s announcement can be seen in the video below.
Otto has been paraded around by North Korean officials. He was forced to confess to a host a crimes, likely because he is an American. You can see some examples of his treatment int the video below.
Warmbier’s condition is unknown. His parents had previously told reporters they were told that the University of Virginia student contracted botulism after his trial last year where he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. He apparently then was given a sleeping pill and is in a coma. He could really use our prayers at this time.
JUST IN: U.S. student Otto Warmbier released from captivity in North Korea, en route to U.S., State Department says
— ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2017
The Obama Administration was unable to get Warmbier’s freedom.
At his trial, Warmbier said he made the biggest mistake of his life tearing down that poster. He is now on his way home to the United States where he will get some needed treatment and be with his family.
The State Department is still working on getting freedom for the other three Americans detained in North Korea.
Source: Fox News
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