In her interview with ABC, Melania Trump addressed an issue that has been on many Americans’ minds. She was asked how she feels about accusations about her husband’s infidelity. She had told ABC she would give the interview without any preconditions and they actually went there.

Porn star Stormy Daniels has been on a publicity tour claiming that she had an affair with Donald Trump about the time his son Barron was born. Even though he was not the president at the time, the left has been relentless in pursuing this allegation. This has put the First Lady in a very awkward position whether the accusations are true or not. No woman wants to deal with such chatter.

When she was asked about the alleged infidelity, Melania made it clear that she is not letting it bother her. When the Trumps signed up for the campaign, they realized they would become targets.

“It is not a concern and focus of mine,” the First Lady said. “I’m a mother and a first lady, and I have much more important things to think about and to do.”

Although she says the mainstream media’s constant onslaught on the topic has hurt her a bit, Melania Trump is standing by her man amidst the rumors.

“Yeah, it’s not always pleasant, of course,” she said. “But I know what is right and what is wrong and what is true and not true.”

“I know people like to speculate and media like to speculate about our marriage and circulate the gossip,” Melania continued. “But I understand the gossip sells newspapers, magazines … and, unfortunately, we live in this kind of world today.”

When asked about her relationship with President Trump, Melania made it clear that the First Couple is on steady ground and these accusations and the media’s persistence about it will not affect their marriage.

“We are fine,” she says in the tweeted clip below.

“Being Melania” airs on Friday night at 10 pm EST on ABC.

Source: USA Today

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