A top hospital executive from Buffalo, New York was fired after she suggested that President Donald Trump’s supporters should “give up their ventilators for someone else…and not go to the hospital” should they become infected with coronavirus. Not stopping there, Laura Krolczyk doubled down by instead suggesting supporters ‘ride this out’ while packed together in churches. It’s inconceivable that such heartless and heinous comments would come from a hospital professional with decision making authority.

Hospital Executive Calls For Trump Supporters To Get Coronavirus

Until recently, Laura Krolczyk worked as the vice president for external affairs at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Daily Mail reports that Krolczyk was fired after a Facebook post came to light in which she slammed President Trump for his response to the pandemic.

What’s worse, Krolczyk then set her sights on Trump supporters. Screenshots of the Facebook exchange show Krolczyk telling Lisa LaTrovato, the director of development at the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute, that “Trump supporters need to pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else… and not go to the hospital.”

So here we have a hospital executive in a position of power suggesting that Trump supporters give up their lives in order to let others live. Presumably those on the left. This is both awful and terrifying.

The Buffalo News reported that while LaTrovato has been placed on leave, Krolcyzk has been terminated. The exchange went viral after Republican operative Michael Caputo shared it to Twitter on Friday.

Laura Krolczyk Blasts Trump Supporters

Krolczyk had shared an article from The Hill about the Trump administration’s reticence at paying $1 billion to General Motors and Ventec for ventilator production. She posted the article with the caption, “Vote Trump!” 

LaTrovato responded The Hill article saying, “But will waste more than that on a wall and space force.”

To which Krolczyk replied, “Trump supporters need to pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else … and not go to the hospital.”

“I think they should be the only ones in packed churches on Sunday,” LaTrovato then retorted. 

Krolczyk, who earned $226,580 in 2019, then added, “They should barricade themselves in there and ride this out.”

This is somewhat reminiscent of “The King of Queens” actor Patton Oswalt wishing coronavirus on Trump voters – but yet so much worse.

BACKSTORY: Actor Patton Oswalt Fantasizes About Trump Voters Dying From Coronavirus

Another social media user called hospital executive Krolczyk out, writing, “Wow, just wow, so your saying we decide who lives and dies based on political views? Great plan (thumbs up emoji).”

Instead of backtracking, Krolczyk doubled down. 

“That’s literally what he’s saying. Take your ‘wow’ and comprehend what your hero is saying. Your hero is saying YOU don’t need a ventilator. So don’t take one,” she wrote. “Also don’t cash your stimulus check. It’s all a hoax. Chew some ibuprofen and be on with your day.”

Hospital Fires Laura Krolczyk

Roswell Park released a statement soon afterwards saying that Krolczyk’s comments were “inappropriate.”

“They do not reflect the opinions of Roswell Park or its senior leadership,” CEO Candace S. Johnson said in the statement. “This behavior is not tolerated at Roswell Park. If any team members act in a way that does not accord with that commitment, we will take swift and appropriate action, just as we did in this instance.”

Unfortunately, liberals wishing death and suffering upon conservatives is nothing new these days. The mainstream media has vilified conservatives to the point where crazed liberals like Krolczyk actually think Republicans deserve any terrible things that happen to them.

We’re glad to see that Roswell Park acted quickly and terminated Krolczyk.

Clearly, this woman doesn’t belong anywhere near a medical facility, particularly during a pandemic like this one. And especially Trump supporters will need – and deserve – the same care as any other human being does. 

RELATED: Debra Messing Says Trump Supporters Will Die Because Of President’s Coronavirus Lies

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