Boys and girls have different interests. Even if you encourage your children to play with many different types of toys, most boys and girls prefer toys to their gender.
Toy giant Hasbro has joined the left wing gender neutral nonsense, following Mattel and Lego’s lead. Hasbro used to report revenue by using the categories of “Boys/Girls/Games/Preschool,” but now is reporting according to brand.
CEO Brian Goldner went even farther claiming the gender doesn’t even exist! “We look at our brands more inclusively than ever. In fact, we eliminated the old delineation of gender,” he told the Hollywood Reporter.
Hasbro’s Star Wars and Jurassic Park lines have performed well with boys. It recently purchased Disney Princesses, but apparently the company doesn’t plan to market them to girls, since it doesn’t believe in gender delineation. Good luck trying to sell millions of Disney Princesses to boys!
What sense does this make? The left wants to turn us all into non gender robots. It will never work as biology will win this war long term.
I remember when my children were young and one of the parents at playgroup insisted their were not to be any toy guns. The boys went into the woods and found sticks to use as guns anyhow. That’s just boys being boys.
Share this if you believe the Hasbro CEO has lost his (its) mind!
Source: Heat Street
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