A Texas great-grandmother got some long-anticipated revenge when she killed a 12-foot alligator with a single shot. Judy Cochran believes the gator killed her beloved miniature horse three years ago. It might have been delayed justice after waiting years to get even with the beast, but it was worth it.
This tough Texas woman isn’t the kind to back away from a fight with an alligator. She is also the Mayor of Livingston, in Polk County where it is legal to kill a gator twenty days a year. First, the gator must be baited and caught. She got a call when the gator was baited with a seasoned raccoon on her ranch, so she hurried home to fire the shot herself. She wanted to be the one getting the revenge.
Many of us who love our pets understand Judy’s dedication to personally getting this job done. Our pets are part of our family. Anyone who harms them deserves retribution, including a huge beast like this alligator!
“One shot in the head and he went under. Typically, they’ll do a death roll and roll over and over and over, but this one didn’t,” Cochran said.
Now, Judy and her family will be feasting on 580 pounds of alligator meat. She will also have its head mounted as a trophy and put on her office wall. The moral of this story is a simple one and something that people who see that huge head on her wall will be forced to understand. “Don’t mess with Nana,'” Judy said. “My grandchildren call me Nana.”
Indeed. Nobody should ever mess with this woman again. She searched for this beast for three years and she finally got him! Now he will be the main course for many dinners to come and his head will serve as a reminder on her wall for many years. Pet owners can appreciate this delicious revenge.
Video of the alligator being shot by this tough great-grandma is below.
Source: USA Today
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