Spoiling a child might seem fun but it could damage them and create bad habits as they get older. In the video below, a little girl is so used to her father hugging and kissing her before he leaves to go to work that when he forgets one day, there is nothing her mom can do to fix the problem.
No amount of apologies could fix the situation at hand. This little girl will only be happy when she gets a hug from her dad!
Watch the adorable video below:
From Rumble Video:
Take a look at this little girl’s heartbreaking reaction when her dad forgets to give her a hug and a kiss before he leaves for a short walk. She will definitely pull at your heartstrings!
“Separation anxiety can happen almost overnight, which makes it shocking to parents,” says Sara Abbot, associate director of the Family Resource Counseling Center in Los Angeles. It is often not just a one-time, babyhood phase for many kids. The tears and fears related to being apart from the parents can resurface in the toddler and preschool years, posing new challenges and warranting different solutions.
You can start early, to accustom your baby to you leaving for a period of time for work. Keep your goodbye short always and keep a cheerful mode on. You might be faking it, but do not let your little know you are sad to leave them at home. And of course, do what this little tot’s dad did and create a ritual when they get older, to create order into the departure.
Did you just melt watching this little girl as she made sure her father promised to never forget to hug and kiss her again? I know my heart melted after watching this video!
Share this story if your children have ever had such a strong reaction to you leaving without saying goodbye!
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