The left has dialed up the intensity in their war on religion and this latest example might be one of the most absurd as a school district threatened to call the police over free Bibles. La Harpe Community School District sent a “cease and desist letter” to someone who was passing out Bibles on a sidewalk on the street of a school.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group of atheists and agnostics, filed a complaint with the Illinois school district because of the close proximity to the free Bibles. The school immediately folded to group’s faux outrage for separation of church and state. The First Amendment rights of Christians apparently have no standing in the school or even on the sidewalk!

“This individual was warned that law enforcement would be called should he or any affiliated persons come onto the School District campus for the purpose of distributing Bibles to students,” the school’s attorney wrote to the atheists.

There is a common belief that the sidewalk is public property, but the school recently took possession of it. The Freedom From Religion Foundation took this harmless act as an opportunity to take aim at practicing Christians. Now, the school district is threatening to call police if anyone is seen handing out Bibles on the sidewalk again.

The atheists also took aim at Principal Lila McKeown for handing out flyers that mentioned the Christian holidays of Easter and Christmas. They claim the flyers also included Bible passages. The school district failed to defend the First Amendment rights of the principal who very likely was only handing out flyers to interested people. Anyone who took a flyer and didn’t want one certainly is capable of throwing it away instead of throwing a fit fueled by faux outrage.

“Principal McKeown will no longer be placing Bible verses in any staff communication or any other School District correspondence or communications in the future,” the school district’s attorney stated in a letter to the FRF.

These atheists are choosing to be outraged to strip the rest of us of our religious liberties. Schools are a battleground in their war against God and districts are caving to these Godless people who don’t want anyone to find hope in Christianity or other religions.

If someone can find redemption and love in the pages of a book, why shouldn’t they be permitted to be handed out for free?

Source: Todd Starnes

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