Too much government overreach can be a killer. The government has too much control over our lives and this story is a prime example of how stupid and destructive big government is.

The FDA Advisory Panel just made a decision that will possibly greatly impact the quality of life for 15,000 boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is fatal. Families had a lot of hope from trials of a drug that showed boys regaining muscle strength that had been previously gone forever. About 1000 parents packed the panel’s meeting over the drug.

The FDA panel voted against these boys and their parents as they sat right in front of them. Some of these boys whose lives have greatly improved by the drug Etiplersin may be forced off it.

Hear this family’s words about the drug and their comments about Obama’s FDA:

So, when you hear President Obama speak about how we need more government in our lives, think of these boys and how that big government is literally looking to take away their lifeline.

What would you say to the FDA if they were preventing your child from getting treatment?

H/T: CBS News


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