Everything is so rushed these days that society is often lacking manners. Austin Simms of CUPS Coffee and Tea in Virginia wanted to entice his customers to be more polite and interactive with the staff, so he came up with an idea that has grabbed the attention of people all over the world.
Simms placed a sign outside offering the same cup of coffee at different prices. Customers choose the price of their drink by how politely they place their order.
Shortly after putting up the sign, Simms was visited by camera crews. It was a lot of attention for someone who just wanted people to say please and thank you! Obviously many people are craving a more polite society! You can see the interview and read the sign below.
What a great idea! I wonder who is going to be the jerk and order the $5 coffee. Let’s hope this reminds people to be polite to people who are serving them.
Please share this if you think society could benefit from better manners!
H/T: Little Things
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