Thanks to liberal coddling, some people think they can change their gender or race just by wishing it. A blonde haired, blue eyed Brazilian man took it a step farther when he had ten plastic surgeries in order to “become” a Korean man.
Max transformed into Xiahn Nishi by forking over a lot of money to a plastic surgeon, wearing contacts, and coloring his hair black.
As you can see from his before and after picture below, he looks completely different. But, I think he looks more alien than Asian.
I think he looked better before! What kind of plastic surgeon would do this? Max needs to see a psychiatrist not a plastic surgeon. This is as wacky as the Human Ken Doll!
Mark Dice grapples with this topic in the video below. You just can’t change your race and ethnicity with a scalpel. It’s your DNA!
Liberals believe taxpayers should foot the bill for gender reassignments. Should we also have to foot the bill for race reassignments too? This is absurd! You can’t just wish away who you are.
Share this if you think Max needs some therapy!
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