Imagine that for your entire life your father had facial hair. You have hugged him, played on his knee, allowed him to chase you, and played hide and go seek.
For all intents and purposes, that’s your dad and there’s nothing anybody can say differently. Now, imagine that same dad just shaved his beard and suddenly looked like a completely different person!
Would you wonder who this man is standing in front of you? Of course, you would. That would be the case until you remember what he sounds like and how he acts around you.
In the video below, this beautiful little girl wasn’t sure if this was her dad or not. She even looked like she was about to run away from her father.
I enjoyed watching this video because it was so innocent. The little girl is so smart as she quickly realized that the man was her father, even though she didn’t recognize him at first. I tend to think her brain was working overtime trying to process her father’s face and voice. This video makes me realize just how smart we humans are.
If you loved watching this little girl’s reaction, make sure to share this story on your Facebook and Twitter profile!
Source: YouTube
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