Anti-Trump protestors continue to cause havoc on their cities. These aren’t just peaceful protests. They are hurting people and interfering with traffic.

A 15 year old wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was beaten by four teens who were part of a group hundreds of protestors from Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland. They jumped the young Trump supporter, throwing him to the ground while punching and kicking him. He ended up at the hospital due to injuries from these leftist protestors.

Why aren’t these kids in school? They carry “Love Trumps Hate” signs while a Trump supporter is beaten. I don’t think love means what they think it means.

Students at High Point High School in Beltsville, MD also left class to protest. But, these dingbats sat in the middle of the street.

The video below is unbelievable. Where are the adults? Why would anyone allow their child to sit in the street? Did they never teach their children about the danger of being run over by a car?

Hundreds also protested east of Los Angeles. This appears to be an illegal immigrant led protest according to the reporter.

The election is over. These protests aren’t going to change that. If anything, it is just going to annoy people who want to return to life after the election.

Give it up! They just look like sore losers who are throwing temper tantrums. They aren’t helping their cause by blocking traffic, lighting things on fire and rioting. A man lost his life because an ambulance he was being transported in was blocked by protestors. At what point do they become responsible for their actions?

These are the same people who claim Trump supporters wouldn’t accept it if he lost. What a bunch of hypocrites. Notice how Obama and Hillary aren’t calling on them to stop protesting and rioting. That can only mean that they want it to continue.

Share this if you believe kids belong in school and not out rioting!

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