An expert on skeletal biology believes the mystery of Amelia Earhart’s disappearance has finally been cracked.

Richard Jantz of the University of Tennessee is 99% certain that bones found on Gardner Island belong to the famous missing aviatrix. Earhart disappeared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Today, Gardner Island is called Nikumaroo.

The bones were discovered in 1940, 400 miles south of the Howland Islands, where Earhart had a planned stop.

Using measurements of the bones, that have since been lost, Dr. Jantz said, “What I can say scientifically is that they are 99% likely to be her.” He did this by analyzing photographs of the historic aviatrix next to objects that can still be measured today.

“We had the lengths of three bones that Hoodless reported lengths for. Then we realized there were some ways we could get more information about Amelia Earhart’s dimensions that could be compared directly to the bones,” Jantz said.

“We were able to measure her humerus length and her radius length from a photo that had a scaleable object in it. Then we also had her a good estimate of her tibia length which we got from her trouser inseam length and from her height. We were able to compare the three bone lengths from Nikumaroro island to Amelia Earhart,” the doctor continued. “The result is that they are very similar and it’s unlikely that just a random person would be that similar.”

He analyzed the bones by comparing them to 2,776 other people. Only 17 had similar dimensions, and only 2 of those were females.

“Just a random person would have a very low probability of being that similar to the Nikumaroro bones,” Dr. Jantz reported.

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) has been investigating for decades the theory that Amelia Earhart went off course and landed on Nikumaroo.

“We have been doing this for 29 years now and we have built such a huge body of evidence that supports this hypothesis that Earhart landed and died on this island,’ TIGHAR Executive Director Richard Gillespie said.

“We’ve found artifacts on the island that speak of an American woman of the 1930s and there’s no other explanation for how they got there,” Gillespie continued.

One of these items was a jar that had traces of mercury. Dr. CH Berry’s Freckle Ointment was popular in the 1930s. Earhart was known to dislike her freckles, so it’s plausible that she had this with her.

Amelia Earhart’s disappearance gripped the nation and still draws attention more than 80 years later. Perhaps this will help put to rest the where part of the equation about what happened to her on her historic final journey.

Video about Amelia Earhart’s life is below.

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Source: Daily Mail

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