About Us

TheMix.net, which was once a hub of several websites, is now focused on Americana. Specifically targeting 70s, 80s, and early 90s entertainment, celebrities, and nostalgia. 

The Publisher Desk delivers:

  • An entertaining and engaging product that is user-friendly, relevant, and informative. 
  • Content will range from topical news to lists, and much more daily. 

Our goal is to deliver a great big slice of Americana pie. 

TheMix Origins

Aurora Media, Inc. launched TheMix.net in 2019. The company was originally driven by Intermarkets, Inc. However, in 2023, The Publisher Desk acquired several websites including TheMix.net from Intermarkets. 

Other websites that were once part of TheMix.net hub now have their domains, including BoundingintoSports.com and RingsideIntel.com (formerly WrestleNewz.com, Fightline.com, and MMAFrenzy.com), 

ages, beliefs, and cultures all around us. Each creator employs its own stable of writers and editors and all content published on TheMix.net reflects the individual passion, knowledge, and views of the writer.

How TheMix is Funded

TheMix.net is owned, operated, and funded by The Publisher Desk. All content on TheMix.net is funded via ads and where noted in articles by affiliate links. Find out more about The Publisher Desk

Editorial Process

Every editor and writer at TheMix.net understands the importance of factual reporting. We pride ourselves on the accuracy and reliability of our content. And in our best efforts to adhere to this, our editorial process is rigorous. 

  • Every story we write is based on reliable contacts or reputable news outlets to ensure journalistic integrity. 
  • Every published story goes across the desk of a professional editor to meet the highest standards.

We want to deliver the best, most accurate content possible. So whether you have feedback or want to point out any editorial errors accidentally made by the team, please reach us at editor@themix.net.  For more contact options visit our contact page.

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TheMix Team

TheMix.net team is made up of professional writers who love what they cover. Each writer has vast experience, offering insights and a passion, alongside analysis, opinion, and much more. 

Here are the experts:

TheMix Future

Powered by the experts at The Publisher Desk and TheMix.net, our goal is to deliver fantastic Americana-inspired content tapping into nostalgia and topical events that fit.