poll conservative students
poll conservative students

A disturbing survey has found that less than half of Republican college students feel safe discussing their views on their campuses.

Fox News reported that the survey was conducted by the online education platform OneClass, and it looked at over 1,500 students from 207 schools. Of those polled, 38 percent of Republican students said they often felt unsafe talking about their conservative views on campus, and less than half said that they felt welcome at their schools.

OneClass’ Jerry Zheng released the following statement about the survey, bringing up last month’s attack on conservative activist Hayden Williams at U.C. Berkeley:

“Republicans are three times more likely than Democrats to feel unsafe on campus for holding their political views. The incident at UC-Berkeley isn’t unheard of. News of conservatives on college campuses getting attacked for their political views make the airwaves frequently enough to make conservatives think twice about exercising their freedom of speech.”

Zheng went on to say that many conservative college students fear being socially ostracized because of their views.

“The fear of being cast with damning labels and feeling ostracized is genuine for conservatives on campus,” he said. “It’s also why 55.1 percent of Republicans are closet conservatives who don’t tend to share their political orientation with their friends. For Democrats, being part of a college campus that mostly shares their views could be what contributes to feeling accepted in inner and wider circles.”

Sadly, the results of this survey come as no surprise, as liberals have become increasingly closed-minded to views that differ from their own in recent years. Liberals love pushing the narrative that they are the ones constantly being attacked by conservatives, but in reality, it is usually the other way around. College campuses in particular have become battlegrounds where liberals have taken to trying to silence conservatives as much as possible by doing things like banning Republican speakers from coming to their campuses.

This is all part of the left’s plot to dehumanize conservatives as a means of weakening the Republican Party. They spent years indoctrinating the youth in this country with their liberal views, and now that this generation has reached college, campuses all over the country are more unsafe for Republicans than any other group of people. This just goes to show how hypocritical and despicable the modern Democratic Party really is.

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