tick and mosquito diseases

Many of us have been waiting months for warmer weather. As we creep closer to the sunny days of summer, the Centers for Disease Control is warning Americans that infections caused by ticks and mosquitos are on the rise. It’s important to protect yourself from these nasty buggers.

According to the CDC, the number of Americans who fell ill from a mosquito or tick bite actually tripled from 2004 through 2016. Thanks to Zika infections, 2016 saw a massive spike in these types of illnesses.

In 2016, infections increased 73 percent from 2015, which is a massive spike. That same year, Zika was the most common disease born by fleas, ticks, and mosquitos, with 41,680 cases. The Zika virus can cause birth defects, making these numbers even more alarming. Lyme Disease was the second most common disease caused by these pests, with 36,429 cases, doubling the 2004 number.

The CDC says in 2016, 96,075 diseases were caused by mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas bites. This is up dramatically from 27,388 cases just 12 years earlier.

This sharp increase in mosquito and tick-borne illnesses may be fueled in part by shorter winters and warmer temperatures. These weather conditions help fuel breeding for these pests.

“It enables these ticks to expand to new areas. Where there are ticks, there comes diseases,” said Lyle Petersen, director of the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases.

There are ways you can protect yourself. You don’t have to be a shut-in and stay inside all summer. Mosquito repellent can help keep these nasty creatures off you. Of course, you can buy some at the store, but if you are sensitive to the chemicals, or just want to you make your own, watch the video below for a natural recipe that you can mix up in just a few minutes.

Source: Reuters

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