woman sues california bigfoot

Many people are adamant in their beliefs. California resident Claudia Ackley is one of those people. She’s adamant in her belief of Bigfoot – so much so, that she’s suing her home state for not acknowledging the creature’s existence.

Ackley says she didn’t believe in Bigfoot until she spotted one in the wild. She claims to have had several sightings, the most recent of which happened in March 2017. Ackley claims she was hiking with her daughters near Lake Arrowhead when they spotted not one, not two, but three Bigfoot. Ackley says she told her daughters not to panic. “I had bear spray in my hand and when that happened I told my daughters just slowly turn around, and do not panic, do not run. And we slowly turned around and walked away.”

However, when Ackley called park services, they told her she must have seen a bear. Incensed, she decided to file a lawsuit against the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the state Natural Resources Agency. “I just felt ashamed at that point. I just felt, why? I need to do something. This is not right,” Ackley said of her decision to file the lawsuit.

Ackley also provided footage of the alleged sighting, which you can see below:

According to Ackley, the state’s fish and wildlife department has been careless in their duty by not recognizing the existence of Bigfoot.

“We all go out in the woods. We all go hiking, camping, hunting. We know that we might run in to a bear, a snake, we know that. We are aware, so we have the choice to go out there. Let’s tell them the whole truth and let’s say there’s Sasquatch out there. There’s the possibility something could happen to you as well. Let the people have the choice to make their own choice, whether they want to encounter one,” says Ackley.

Of course, Ackley is far from the only person to claim to have seen Bigfoot. There have literally been thousands of sightings all across the country and even across the globe. In other words, Ackley definitely has support, including from Jeffrey Gonzales of the Sanger Paranormal Society:

“People who are witnessing these creatures are normal people. People who don’t want to be on TV, who have regular lives, who take their kids to school, who work 8-5. But have witnessed something that is not normal, and finally have someone to call and talk to about this,” says Gonzales.

Ackley’s first date in court will be March 19th.

Source: Fox 26

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