When you were growing up as a kid, do you remember those tales of a man-beast that would stroll through forests in the Pacific Northwest? Many called this alleged monster “Sasquatch” or “Yeti.” But to most of us, we called him “Bigfoot.”

Video footage captured the beast years ago, but it was debunked. Turns out it was just a man in a costume.

But now, it looks like a real-life Bigfoot may actually be roaming around Holland.

A couple of youths were out in the forest when they captured something that resembled the fabled creature on camera. Here’s what they saw:

Here are more details via Daily Mail:

Mysterious footage has emerged from a forest in the Netherlands showing a shadowy Bigfoot-like creature lurking in the trees.

In the shaky video two youths, named only as Lucas and Jeroen, are visiting Veluwezoom National Park near the Dutch border with Germany.

In the distance they spot a dark figure lurking behind the trees, accompanied by the sounds of knocking.

Here’s the video:

I have no doubt this was an elaborate stunt planned just for the camera.

And I highly doubt there’s a wormhole behind the tree that teleports the beast back to Seattle.

But then, stranger things have happened.

Either way, it’s a cool video, and I take my hat off to the kids for not running like the wind as most people would do in this type of situation.

Do you think the video was real? Share your opinions below in the comment section and add this phenomenon to your Facebook/Twitter timeline.

Source: Daily Mail

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