sex trafficking ads

Signs offering high wages for minimal work pop up from time to time along the roads. Sometimes, these ads target teens and offer well above minimum wage. But, everyone should beware of these as a possible recruitment tactic used by sex traffickers.

sex traffic ad

A viral Facebook post from Danielle Thompson is pointing out how dangerous these signs are and how kids especially need to be warned about the possible consequences of calling these numbers. They might want to call for a job, but it could cost them their lives.

Ads like this were put up around Vassar High School in Michigan. The fact that only telephone numbers were provided raised a lot of red flags to local authorities. Vassar Police immediately warned people about responding to the ads.

In the news report about these ads (see the video here), Valerie Hoffman, Executive Director of Underground Railroad, Inc. explains this is a tactic that both sex and labor traffickers use.

These signs pop up everywhere and it is alarming to think of how many people might call. Sex traffickers also use many other tactics to target victims. In the video below, a girl explains how a social media post about how mad she was with her mother led her into sex trafficking. The trafficker contacted with big promises within an hour of her social media post. These monsters are lurking everywhere to target children.

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Source: Shareably

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