Man flips over bull

Do you remember the movie The Breakfast Club when Principal Richard Vernon told the students “Don’t mess with the bull young man, you’ll get the horns.”

Here’s a trip down memory lane:

That movie took place in the 80s and Principal Vernon would be shocked to witness the video below. I’ve never understood how and why men get into an enclosed pit with an angry bull who is seeking to do damage to anyone and anything around him.

In the case of the video below, one of the men made one of the most amazing moves ever caught on video. He performed a front flip over the bull which caused the animal to miss him completely.

Check out the amazing video below:

I’ve never seen anything like this and cannot believe that this man was able to avoid being gored by a bull! This man certainly is lucky, but in the video, it looks as though he planned to do a front flip in order to avoid being attacked!

What did you think of this man’s daring stunt? Would you ever try something like this? Share your thoughts below in our comments section!

Source: YouTube

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