Mark Ruffalo

Earlier this week, liberal Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo, who currently plays the Hulk in Marvel’s cinematic universe took to Twitter to demand NBC and MSNBC stop hiring white conservative commentators to their network.

The far-left actor, who has a history of spewing insane radical views, seems incensed that the Americans who helped elect President Donald J. Trump have a voice in American politics.

For years, America’s political discussions have been dominated by those who live on the two coasts, with middle America being ignored, and Ruffalo wants to keep it that way.

Well, military veteran Wayne Dupree has had enough of such liberal racism, and decided enough is enough, calling out Mark Ruffalo for his disgusting comments.

Wayne is 100% correct. Hollywood has been racist for years, and Ruffalo’s ignorant comments further prove this point.

For years, liberals have been attacking white conservative men, and Wayne believes Hollywood should stop hiring “ignoring white liberals who discriminate” like Mark Ruffalo did on Twitter.

Do you agree with Wayne that Mark Ruffalo’s comments are racist? Should Hollywood stop lecturing America? Share your thoughts below! 

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