
Living in Florida comes with some risks. You escape brutally cold winters, but you have to deal with hurricanes and alligators. Sometimes, you have to contend with many alligators. That’s what one Florida woman learned when she captured unbelievable video of a mother alligator and her 16 babies crossing through a golf course.

The mother alligator led her babies from a pond that was drying up to a deeper one. Sharon Whiting took videos during the duration of her golf game as she witnessed Mama Gator lead her babies to the deeper pond where they would be safer.

Watch the video below and be completely amazed. Who in the world is going to want to go anywhere near that pond with at least 17 alligators in it?

Whiting said the mother went back and forth between the ponds for a good portion of the day to get all of the babies to the deeper pond. She got a second video of the mini monsters traveling to their new home. That video is below.

I’ll be honest and say that I never thought of alligators as having motherly instincts. I only thought of them as killing machines! This mom appears to be counting her babies to make sure she has them all!

I am guessing that after all of her efforts to move her family to that other pond, that this single mother and her plethora of offspring will soon be relocated elsewhere as a golf course cannot have 17 alligators hanging around!

Share this if you think this gator is a better mom than some humans!


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