Saudi Plane

A crew member aboard an Airbus A330 from Saudi Arabia took video aboard the plane and it’s rather disgusting. The passengers appear to have a lack of manners and hygiene.

There is toilet paper tossed throughout the plane and someone doesn’t seem to know what a toilet is used for. This video shows the disconnect between our society and theirs.

Be forewarned this is utterly disgusting. You might reflexively try and cover your mouth and nose!


How can they do that? Even if they don’t have respect for their fellow passengers, they still have to be on that plane with their own filth for hours! And what about the staff who have to clean this up?

NASTY! None of the passengers seem to even care they are sitting among squalor!

Please share this if you would be screaming a these slobs on the plane!

H/T: Vidmax

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