On the upcoming “season premiere” of RAW, we are being treated to two different title matches. While the tag title match should prove to be entertaining, the one match getting the most attention at the moment is the Divas title match between Nikki and Charlotte. WWE has been pushing the Divas revolution for the past couple months, and for good reason. But, with the season premiere happening on the same night as the NFL returns to Monday nights. What does that all mean?

It means WWE may need to really amp up its game.

And what better way than by bringing someone disruptive back, even if only for one night.

That person, of course, would be AJ Lee.

While I will say, right up front, that even after I write this I’d be as stunned as anyone if she showed up next Monday. But the timing couldn’t be more perfect for her return, whether it’s a one-off or not. If Nikki is champion at the end of RAW, AJ’s record is broken. And while Charlotte is quite capable, all by herself, of winning the title…why shouldn’t she get some help from a run-in?

Why do it?

As I said, AJ can come in, save her record and help push the new Divas. Before AJ left, that was something she appeared quite passionate about. She herself was seen as an anti-Diva, and she was happy to embrace it. What better way to flip the old Divas the bird than by coming in, interfering, costing Nikki-the epitome of Divas-her precious title? Even as a one-off, it works. As something with a bigger picture involved, WWE could certainly throw dollars at Lee and bring her back for a big match or two, should they want to. As into the new Divas as the crowds are, I have no doubt they’d explode if Lee came skipping down to the ring.

Why not?

Because the revolution happened with Lee gone. And it’s doing pretty well without her. And there might be some concern of how it would look that someone beat Nikki, but appeared to require outside help from a returning Diva. Not to say it absolutely would cheapen a title win, but it would certainly be something to consider. I think if it were Paige going for the title, the risk would be decreased-she has already held the Divas title twice, and AJ’s last match was as her tag partner. There’s a bit more back-story to work with there. If Lee comes in to help Charlotte, it’s much more aimed at a big expletive at Nikki and the establishment Divas-not that that’s not a bad thing.

I am not saying it’s going to happen. I’m not saying I’ve heard rumblings of it even-I have not. But what I am saying is, on what should be a big night of TV, one where RAW has to step up it’s game, having a new Diva pipe bomb drop would certainly qualify.

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