Last week, the revival of Candice Bergen’s liberal sitcom “Murphy Brown” premiered on CBS. Bergen, one of the top donors of Hillary Clinton, was confident that viewers would love to watch her Trump-bashing show. That’s why she is undoubtedly fuming that Tim Allen’s conservative sitcom “Last Man Standing” blew hers out of the water!

ABC News reported that 8.1 million people watched Allen’s show on Friday night, while 7.5 million tuned into “Murphy Brown” the night before. Since Thursday evening is a far better time slot than Friday night, coming up short to Allen’s viewers is particularly humiliating for Bergen. Marc Berman, a seasoned television analyst, described “Last Man Standing” getting more viewers than “Murphy Brown” as a “big upset.”

The bad news has just kept coming for Bergen, as her show has gotten negative reviews. The headline of the New York Times’ review of the show is “‘Murphy Brown’ Returns, Not for the Better.” The review went on to describe the revival as “kludgy, combining dated sitcom rhythms with sermonizing.” Even liberal reviewers have found that the constant digs at Donald Trump and his supporters on “Murphy Brown” are not funny and that the revival is far more focused on preaching to its audience about liberal talking points rather than making them laugh.

While “Murphy Brown” is just one of many liberal shows on television, “Last Man Standing” stands out from the crowd because it revolves around a Trump supporter, played to perfection by Allen. His character of Mike Baxter is someone that average, working-class Americans can relate to. Allen’s show also doesn’t preach to its audience about conservative values. Instead, it allows them to come to their own political conclusions while making them laugh.

In the end, this goes to show that Americans are sick and tired of shows made by out of touch Hollywood liberals who just want to lecture us about the evils of Trump. If networks would start making more pro-Trump television shows, perhaps more Americans would start watching them!

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