Actress Rose McGowan of Scream and “Charmed” fame is speaking out this week to claim that members of the Hollywood elite covered for disgraced former A-list producer Harvey Weinstein, who she says raped her in the 1990s. 

McGowan Calls Out Hollywood 

McGowan claimed to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that various talent agencies were fully aware of Weinstein’s sex crimes, adding that young women would be “funneled” at film festivals. 

“[Weinstein] had a daily rape appointment,” McGowan alleged. “And anywhere there was a big Film Festival, he had like a full-on cottage industry to funnel young women. And you know, let’s say if it was someone else, that was like him that liked boys, it would be the same for them. It was a well-oiled machine.”

Watch the interview here:

Related: Rose McGowan Torches ‘As Fake As They Come’ Oprah Winfrey

McGowan Stands Up Against Corruption

McGowan became one of the faces of the #MeToo movement when it started in 2017, but she dismissed the idea that her eagerness to stand up against corruption began when the media suddenly became interested in her. 

“I’ve been rattling their cages because I had to train people in the media to listen to me differently. Because if they just saw me as an actress, the first day, this would all not have worked,” she said.

“I had to set up a domino effect worldwide,” McGowan added. “I wanted to show people that if you fight and are strategic and very smart about it, you can cut off the head of rotten power, instead of just biting at the ankles with a picket sign.”

Related: Rose McGowan Rips Gavin Newsom’s Wife For Allegedly Pressuring Her To Bury Harvey Weinstein Claims

She Grew Up In A Cult

McGowan grew up in Italy in the Children of God commune, which was a cult that she said formed its own set of societal norms and rules with its own set of problems.

She added that growing up in this way allowed her to develop a “superpower” wherein she was not aware if she was a girl or a boy until she was 10 years-old. 

“I was old enough to be like, ‘no. Take your brainwashing, shove it up your ass. I’m going to fight you every step of the way,'” she explained. “Because I would rather be in my mind and live there, than have to parade along in a skin that I don’t understand.”

This background allowed McGowan to become very aware of “groupthink” existing in the United States.

She is now one of the few stars in Hollywood who has a mind of her own and is not afraid to speak out against corrupt and powerful liberals. 

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